Welcome to Ignacio Middle School

Principal: Dayna Talamante-Montoya

Athletic Director: Shasta Pontine

Office Manager: Susie Ruybal

Phone: (970)563-0600

Fax:      (970)563-0234

P.O. Box 460 490 Romero Avenue Ignacio CO 81137

Bell Schedule

Daily Bulletin


February 2025

Ignacio Middle School News

    Nov 25, 2024 · Ignacio School District No. 11Jt


    Ignacio Middle School (IMS) has had an excellent start to the 2024/2025 school year and a productive first quarter. At the beginning of the year, we celebrated our growth in CMAS, hosted a Family Science Night, and held our first Pep Assembly. Students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher enjoyed an Honor Roll Breakfast, and we conducted our first quarter Character Counts assembly. Additionally, we organized our first in-school dance, which was one of the best ever, welcomed the Navajo Magician, Brian Yazzie, and enjoyed a Rosie the Riveter performance through Colorado Humanities. These past 13 weeks have been incredibly busy and fulfilling. 

    Our volleyball season was a success, with 34 girls participating and the A team finishing their regular season with a record of 9-1. In football, 36 boys participated, and we secured third place in our league. Our cross-country team had seven athletes, many of whom improved their personal records by the end of the season. We are currently in the Boys Basketball season with 30 athletes participating. 

    With the implementation of a four-day school week, our district aims to enhance family time and engagement while maintaining a strong focus on academics during school hours. Our school day begins at 7:50 a.m. with core classes for 6th and 7th graders, while 8th graders participate in high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, including Band, during their first hour at the high school. This collaboration between buildings provides our students with valuable exposure to various CTE pathways. We are also pleased to offer Band classes for our 5th grade elementary students and Choir for our middle school students, enriching our arts programs and supporting student engagement. The school day concludes at 4:05 p.m., and on game days, events will start at 4:30 p.m. to ensure a safe environment for clearing the building and allowing parents in after 4:15 p.m. 

    Ignacio Middle School is actively seeking parents, guardians, and community volunteers to join the Building Accountability Committee. This committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 4 p.m., with the next meeting scheduled for Monday, Dec. 2 at the middle school. The committee serves as an advisory group, providing opportunities for input from parents, volunteers, and community members to support student needs and learning. For more information, please contact Dayna at dtalamantemontoya@ignacioschools.org. 

    IMS students are also preparing for Literacy Night, which will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Additionally, we are gearing up for our school-wide Science Fair in December, where all students should be researching, testing their hypotheses, and preparing to present their findings to judges on Wednesday, Dec. 18.  

    We are thankful for the many opportunities our little community has for students. We are proud Bobcats! 

    Courtesy of the Southern Ute Drum

  • IMS Girls Basketball Fundraiser
    Nov 19, 2024 · Ignacio Middle School

    IMS Girls Basketball Fundraiser

  • Tutoring
    Sep 20, 2024 · Ignacio Middle School


    Tutoring is available every Friday from 8:30 - 12. This is a great opportunity to get caught up in all classes or help raise those grades!

  • Aug 21, 2024 · Ignacio Middle School

    ISD Resource Center

    Get refreshed on all the ways we communicate and stay up-to-date at the Ignacio School District!

    Infinite Campus - https://ignacioco.infinitecampus.org/.../portal/ignacio.jsp

    Class Dojo (Elem Only) - https://student.classdojo.com/#/login?redirectTo=%2Fstory

    School Calendar - https://www.ignacioschools.org/calendar

    Athletic Calendar - https://athletics.ignacioschools.org/en-US/calendar

    Band App - https://athletics.ignacioschools.org/en-US

    Bus Routes - https://www.ignacioschools.org/.../bus-route-pick-up...

    Activity Friday - https://forms.gle/1oUTd3vJyzhHE1BQ9

  • Volleyball results
    Aug 30, 2023 · Ignacio Middle School

    Lady Bobcat's take the W against Pagosa Pirates

  • Eighth graders reflect
    Jun 5, 2023 · Ignacio Middle School

    Eighth graders reflect

    Eighth Grade student, Thunder Windy Boy thanks teachers and family members for their comments following his Eighth Grade Presentation on Wednesday, May 17. Like his fellow students, Windy Boy shared his personal growth as well as his educational goals he would like to complete in high school.

    Courtesy of the Southern Ute Drum


Files & Folders

IMS Student Handbook 24-25.pdf

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